Caseworkers are ESSENTIAL and each year we show our appreciation for these dedicated front-line workers. Since Foster Angels covers 19 counties, we offer four dedicated luncheons to those workers in the Coastal Bend area, Harlingen, McAllen and Laredo. They are the crucial link between our mission and the foster youth we serve, and we certainly could not do our work without them. Our events took place on four different dates at Brewster’s Street Icehouse for 130 caseworkers, Embassy Suites Hotel in Laredo for 55 caseworkers, Smoke Texas BBQ in Harlingen for 55 caseworkers and University Drafthouse in McAllen for 105 caseworkers. At each lunch, everyone received a Foster Angels mug with goodies, free buffet, drinks, laughs and special prizes to include several $25 gift cards. We wish we could do this every day but for now we will continue to show our appreciation and gratitude every day!